Husband Feeding

I said emotional comfort trumps erotic pleasure in the appeal for women who enjoy ANRs, but even more appealing — and God-glorifying — is the desire to feed their men intimately. The urge to nurture and feed a man is definitely a huge push factor to ANRs for women. Guys, seek that above all. Above the emotional warm-and-fuzzies, above the physical, sexual, sensuous, tactile, should come a lass who gets thrilled to convey food to her flesh-and-blood, married-for-life, till-death-do-us-part man. Food that issues from her own body.

So the hierarchy of ANR appeal to women is:

  1. Feeding her husband intimately
  2. Emotional warmth and bonding
  3. Sexual pleasure 

This mirrors Holy Communion and the heart of God the Father who delights to give food to all his creation.

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